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Kim Jong Un A Decade Of Leadership In North Korea

Kim Jong-Un: A Decade of Leadership in North Korea

Early Life and Rise to Power

Born in either 1982, 1983, or 1984, Kim Jong-Un's early life remains shrouded in mystery. He is the youngest son of former leader Kim Jong-Il and his third wife, Ko Yong-hui. Kim Jong-Un studied in Switzerland from 1991 to 2000, reportedly under an assumed name. Upon his return to North Korea, he entered the military and quickly rose through the ranks. In 2011, following the death of his father, Kim Jong-Un assumed the leadership of North Korea. At the age of 27 or 28, he became the youngest head of state in the world.

Domestic and Foreign Policy

Under Kim Jong-Un's leadership, North Korea has pursued a dual track approach of economic development and nuclear weapons development. The country has made some progress in economic terms, particularly in the areas of infrastructure and tourism. However, the nuclear program remains a major concern for the international community. Kim Jong-Un has also sought to improve relations with South Korea and the United States. In 2018, he met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the Panmunjom Joint Security Area. He also held two summits with U.S. President Donald Trump in 2018 and 2019. However, progress in denuclearization talks has stalled.


Kim Jong-Un has led North Korea through a period of significant change and uncertainty. His policies have had a mixed impact on the country, with some economic progress offset by continued nuclear tensions. As he enters his second decade as leader, Kim Jong-Un faces a complex and challenging path forward. His ability to navigate these challenges will have a profound impact on the future of North Korea and the wider region.
